Finally, I remember that: The Lord knows our weakness, that he is mindful that we are but dust and ashes. In short, hes looking for families to make a Family Offering to Merciful Love. And w hen the Son became incarnate, when the Word became flesh, he became like us in all things but sin.198 Alright, but what gets to die essence of what he became? And how do we console him best? Truly blessed is she who clung to the memory of Gods love in the midst of darkness! Endnotes 179 38 Cited in ibid., p. 54. since the happy day, it seems to me that Love penetrates and surrounds me, that at each moment this Merciful Love renews me Oh! While it was great to hear from him, I had to tell him I couldnt talk because I was rushing to meet a book deadline the next day. The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy (MMDM) is for people who really want to get into mercy as a spirituality. Endnotes 197 The words that St. Faustina heard interiorly were the prayers of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which is prayed as follows: 1. But look at what weve just learned from the ecce, fiat, magnificat movement: The path to praise begins with the ecce moment. Because while the sins of the world are finite, the mercy that flows from the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is infinite. 172 Cited in van Dijk. See Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, 4. Okay, but why? For instance, in preparation for her First Holy Com munion at age 10, she made and recorded 1,949 small sacrifices and 2,773 short prayers!37 (Thankfully, Jesus himself later taught her, as she put it, not to count up my acts.38) Much worse, though, was her painful bout with scruples, which often goes along with Jansenist thinking. (3) Get a Divine Mercy Image 134 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE to put up in your room as a reminder of your consecration or at least get a small prayercard to put in your wallet or purse. Therese so strongly' wanted to make this point about Gods great mercy that, even after shed lost the strength to write, she basically pleaded with Mother Agnes to conclude the thought for her. God alone, content with my weak efforts, will raise me to Himself and make me a saint, clothing me in His infinite merits (Story ofa Soul, p. 72). He basically said, Father, please give to me all the punishment due to sinners, and give to sinners all the blessings of my own divine Sonship. Thats really whats taking place there on the Cross: Jesus is paying the price of sin and bearing the harsh burden of Divine Justice so we dont have to and so we might enjoy the gift of salvation. But despite this, try to be faithful, so that He does not have to wait in vain for your love.109 Yes, God is so good to little souls who recognize their weakness. Remember that image? No. In other words, Febronie was perhaps like die sons of thunder in die Gospel, who wanted punishment and strict justice for sinners (see Lk 9:54). Divine Mercy in My Soul Paperback Y26-NBFD Compact edition Y26-DNBF Deluxe LeatherBound Edition Y26-DDBURG Audio Diary Mp3 Edition Y26-ADMP3 Top Quality Religious Art at Merciful Prices! After all, its trust that opens the floodgates of Gods mercy, allowing it to come rushing down, down, down into little souls.72 What a revolution in Catholic spiritual theology! I dont deserve to be here, but Ive learned this pleases you. Those who have done so are amazed at how powerfully Jesus takes them up on their offer. So, what about you? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and the Image of Divine Mercy is a thousand words of mercy. Saint Faustina even went so far as to describe holiness according to the path of mercy as very easy: O my Jesus, how very easy it is to become holy; all that is needed is a bit of good will. 90 Ibid. But how can this be? She appeared ravishingly beautiful and had a heavenly smile.164 Remember that smile. Well, if we can discover the secret to her littleness, then well discover the secret to her sanctity. So, joy should abound this day! And if youre very little and your trust is great, then you may even become a great saint. Its a choice to walk the path of spiritual childhood. Rather, the focus in this para graph is not on seeking out suffering but, rather, on accepting the suffering that God will choose for her. efore Consecration. In fact, she even sees Gods justice through the lens of mercy, a lens that transforms the harshness of divine Justice, as Sr. Marie of Jesus had put it, into a justice thats clothed in love." Let it be a sign for you. Now, one would think that, in anticipation of such a joyful day, her heart would have been filled with consolation. I say that because the word distrust reminds us that we have a trust problem. Well, let me begin to answer that by first telling you an amazing secret: According to St. John Paul II, theres a kind of key which unlocks for us the innermost reality of Mary.12 Imagine that. In the end, then, we can compete. Simply recall what Therese had told her novice, Sr. Marie of the Trinity, who had asked if even she could hope to get to heaven right away after dying. In other words, right now, he wants to take some of the littlest of souls and make them into some of the greatest of saints.77 Of course, we covered some of the spiritual mechanics of how he might do this in our reflections of the last two days. Of course, that may be hard to believe. But dont worry. Abrahams temptation clearly would have been to think that God is a liar, that he doesnt keep his promises. Of course, its also possible to invite someone into our homes as an act of mercy. Therefore, there must be such a path! Especially bless those who visit our home may they experience your mercy here. Christ, precisely as the crucified one, is the Word that does not pass away, and He is the one who stands at the door and knocks at the heart of every man, without restricting his freedom, but instead seeking to draw from this very freedom love, which is not only an act of solidarity with the suffering Son of man, but also a kind of mercy shown by each one of us to the Son of the eternal Father. According to the greatest pope of the 20th century, theres a secret that reveals the mystery of Mary! (I have always remained litde, therefore, having no other occupation but that of gathering flowers, the flowers of love and sacrifice, and of offering them to God in order to please Him. Exciting 10-part series with DVD and workbook hosted and written by Fr. But I didnt feel that he was also speaking to my heart, asking me to write such a book. Also, how great is the power of in tercessory prayer. Rather, the various weeks vcdll focus on one saint: Therese of Lisieux and her spiritual teaching. 165 See Story of a Soul, p. 270. He has anticipated the movements of the Holy Spirit and given us means by which to suck the marrow out of this year of Mercy. To address such difficulties, I dedicated a whole section of the book Consoling the Heart ofJesus to the question, How can I console Jesus if hes happy in heaven?195 Since that time, however, Ive reflected even more deeply on this topic, and here Id like to share some insights that both complement that earlier writing and help summarize the theology of consoling the Heart of Jesus (in three points). For instance, while its true that we should always follow our conscience, sometimes thats all people ever hear about it. True greatness isnt based on the judgment and assessment of mortals. And, actually, Therese is smiling at you now. In other words, because the ideal of poverty held such a high place in Francis conscience, his conscience would convict him of sin regarding things that probably wouldnt convict us. But true friendship is a two-way street. Let me begin to explain this by saying something about a seemingly unrelated topic: conscience. DAY 13 Prophet of Mercy Yesterday, we learned that Therese of Lisieux is a spiritual genius for the way she revolutionized at least one aspect of Catholic spir itual theology. In other words, I hope well see how Elizabeths blessing can apply to us, that the fol lowing words can be spoken to us: Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be ftilfilled. And what was spoken to us? 221 See endnote 191. The pleasing and consoling language has to do with a desire simply to love God for who he is (perfect love). Sadly, the Offering to Merciful Love is one of the best-kept secrets in the Catholic Church. web pages Be the first to ask a question about 33 Days, to Morning Glory Retreat Companion. I say that because, as we just learned, Mary leads us to Divine Mercy. He wants to save the world through a legion of little souls inspired by saints like Therese of Lisieux. We console him by loving him, letting him love us, and by allowing him to have mercy on us and save us. Download/Read PDF 33 Days to Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Divine Mercy Consecration Full Edition by Michael E. Gaitley. I also said, thanks to Fr. But that darkness eventually became Thereses joy, WEEK FOUR: Into the Darkness 109 because she firmly believed and trusted that God would come down and raise her to the heights of heaven. WEEK ONE: What Is Trust? 26 That Mary is the New Eve is derived from Sacred Scripture, taught by the early Fathers of the Church, and faithfully held throughout the Tradition of the Church. Specifically, she taught us that, because of Divine Mercy, we can become great saints not in spite of our littleness but, rather, because of it! Now, lest we think that Therese is alone in boldly speaking about not fearing God and being so familiar with him, we read the following from St. Faustina: Even if I were to hear the most terrifying tilings about Gods justice, I would not fear Him at all, because I have come to know Him well (Diary, 589). In fact, the Mercifiil Love that comes from Family B to Family A becomes, in a sense, Family As second chance to receive Gods mercy. In fact, the other school kids bullied her and made fun of this girl who didnt know how to join in their games and couldnt even comb her own hair.45 In the midst of her extreme loneliness and sensitivity, Therese deeply longed to be loved. After all, she lived in the same convent as Therese. 81-83 to learn more about how she lived a spirituality of consoling Jesus.) 29 See Catechism, 494. But what does all this have to do with becoming a great saint? We need only fear becoming one who sins but does not repent, one who tires of asking for forgiveness and ends up believing that he doesnt need to ask for it any more. Apart from falling into the evil habit of corruption, Therese would say that there is no reason to be afraid. Will you offer yourself as a victim soul to his Merciful Love? 107 Cited in ibid., p. 347. And as weve learned from St. Faustina, this image truly' is living and grace-filled.221 Moreover, when you display' it in your home in a place of honor where youll see it daily, it becomes a continual, concrete, physical reminder of die solemn invitation (offering) you and your family have made. Thankfully, Therese anticipated their difficulty. by Michael E. Gaitley Paperback . She did so at the end of her autobiography with words we already read on Day 10, words that are worth repeating: Yes, I feel it; even though I had on my conscience all the sins that can be committed, I would go, my heart broken with sorrow, and throw myself into Jesus arms, for I know how much He loves the prodigal child who returns to Him.138 All the sins that can be committed. Think about that: That's a lot of sin. 35 Full quote: [Therese] is very sensitive; when shes said a word too many, or when shes made a mistake, she notices it immediately and, to make up for it, the poor baby has recourse to tears, and she asks for par dons which never end. How do we do it? Edit Details. 213 While Im using the word family here in the traditional sense, other groups of people who live together (without being in the state of sin) could also make this offering. I accept everything that comes my way as given me by the loving will of God, who sincerely desires my happiness. Furthermore, the act of receiving Gods Merciful Love (fiat) is also an act of trust, and both these acts of trust (ecce and fiat) tend to lead to a further act of trust, namely, praise and thanks (magnificat). For instance, the virtue of humility would respond to Thereses magnanimous statement about wanting to love God more than hes ever been loved before with something like this: Come on. I mean, if we receive all the rejected mercy that other souls dont want, whats that going to cost us? What? The Divine Mercy Image goes perfectly with the Family Offering to Merciful Love. So what do they see that we dont? 22 Redemptoris Mater, 18. Not necessarily. Then, after these four days of review, well read a synthesis of what weve learned in a singleformula of consecration that aims to capture the essence ofThereses Offering to Merciful Love. And per haps we begin to get discouraged as our faith and trust start to waver and change to doubt and distrust. To me He has granted His infinite Mercy, and through it I contemplate and adore the other divine perfections! And I myself can attest to that fact. "She believed God's Word, even when it seemed impossible. So, we have a choice: severe justice or tender mercy. As St. Therese put it, describing her own day of consecration, Alt! 34 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE DAY 4 Mary's Pilgrimage of Faith Yesterday, we learned that theres a key to Marys innermost reality, a key to understanding her faith the blessing of Elizabeth: Blessed is she who believed that what was spoken to her by the Lord would be fulfilled. Now, while those words firstly refer to the Annunciation and the moment when Mary believed the angels words that she would be the mother of the Son of God, they also refer to her whole life of faith or, as St. John Paul II puts it, her pilgrimage of faith. Now, contrary to overly pious belief, Mary didnt constantly have angels waiting on her at her home in Nazareth, helping with the housework and changing Jesus diapers. Help me to believe in God and his love for me, even when the darkness surrounds me. So, I know what Mark meant. But the other key word of this trial is heaven," which is very interesting. Unsere Partner sammeln Daten und verwenden Cookies zur Personalisierung und Messung von Anzeigen. To combat this, we may take even more selfies or rush off to accomplish even greater tilings to make a name for ourselves, to be some body. But the ache comes back because we can never do enough to satisfy our craving for greatness and love, and our precious accomplishments and digital images fade away like so much dust and vanity (Eccl 1:2).152 Now, make no mistake: We are called to be great, very great beyond-our-wildest-imaginings great. What a sweet joy it is to think that God is Just, i.e., that He takes into account our weakness, that He is perfectly aware of our fragile nature. And can you make out the other main ideas in the middle paragraphs? Jesus Contents In Gratitude.. 11 Acknowledgements . 13 INTRODUCTION Meet Three Friends.. 15 Connecting the Dots 18 WEEK ONE: What Is Trust? My old friend -ZTLfrom college had said to me on the phone, You need to do for the Offering to Merciful Love of St. Thercse of Lisicux what you did for Marian consecration. Let me unpack that a bit. 'Nevertheless, her trust in God's mercy during that time, and God's faithfulness to her, became the confirmation of her Little Way. Were so beautiful to him just as we are. The event of the Cross and Resur rection abides and draws everything toward life. 198 Catechism, 467. But when Marys Immaculate Heart was pierced, it became an instrument ofgrace that opens hearts to receive Gods mercy (see Lk 2:35). The graces of My mercy are drawn by means of one vessel only, and that is trust. 1, p. 226. For example, a group of college roommates could make the offering. We need Marys help to obtain the gift of faith, that is, the grace to believe. So, what may seem to us like a hopeless case for instance, a person stuck in die cycle of addiction or someone with an insufferable temperament may in fact be a hidden saint, particularly loved by God because of their humility and unseen efforts. For the next eight days (the Introduction and Week One St. Louis de Montfort), we'll begin our time with this Retreat Companion with the Angelus. Faith, hope, and love in the midst of the daily darkness: That was Marys greatness, and that can be our greatness, too. (More on this later.) Ah! I rejoice that they ask for much, because it is My desire to give much, very 184 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE much. Marc Foley, OCD, whose brilliant course on Therese of Lisieux opened my eyes to hidden treasures buried in the saints writings. In fact, Sr. Genevieve explictly states that it does not ask for suffering. Rather, its a request to receive what Therese calls infinite tenderness, and as Genevieve put it, it accepts all that Providence permits for it not only of labor and trials but also of joys, and it counts on infinite mercy' for everything. 100 Heres part of the Churchs teaching on purgatory from the Catechism: All who die in Gods grace and friendship, but still imperfecdy purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven. The saint herself describes it as follows: I was enjoying such a living faith, such a clear faith, that the thought of heaven made up all my happiness, and I was unable to believe there were really impious people who had no faith. Touched by grace, the sinful woman followed the Saint into the desert to perform a rigorous penance. But if you dont, I will. And because the human heart of Jesus is united to and burns with Divine Love, his desire to love and to be loved infinitely surpasses our own desires. for all die graces You have granted me, especially the grace of making me pass through the crucible of suffering. Alright, so when it came time for me to write my licentiate thesis (a big research paper for a degree in theology that most people have never heard of), I decided to take it as an opportunity to get off the roller coaster. 195 See Consoling the Heart ofJesus, pp. It seems to me that if all creatures had received the same graces I received, God would be feared by none but would be loved to the point of folly; and through love, not through fear, no one would ever consent to cause Him any pain. And then well remember I hope well remember Marys example of faith at the foot of the Cross. For Kolbe, Marian consecration means to offer oneself to God through Mary for the specific purpose of becoming an instrument of mercy in Marys Immaculate hands as she is an instrument of mercy in Gods hands.2 In a sense, then, to make a Marian consecration according to the spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe Marian consecration Kolbe-style is already to make a consecration to Divine Mercy. add to list add to registry. 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat goes even deeper than the book alone and explores new material on the heart of St. Thrse of Lisieux's Little Way, uncovering the power of trust in the face of . To close todays reflection, lets ponder Thereses descrip tion of the Little Way as a way of darkness-. The letter speaks for itself, so let it speak to you. And he came to her and said, Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you! But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. Alas, I never made any. Michael Gaitley, MIC, this 33 Days to Merciful Love Group Retreat goes even deeper than the book alone and explores new material on the heart of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s Little Way, uncovering the power of trust in the face of personal darkness, inspiring participants to become great saints amid ordinary circumstances, and . 37-42. Again, when his Sacred Heart was pierced, it became the Fountain of Mercy, the source of mercy. 10. How can we have a deep, personal relationship widi him if were the only ones suffering? Reply to Obj. Since You deigned to give me a share in this very precious Cross, I hope in heaven to resemble You and to see shining in my glorified body the sacred stigmata of Your Passion. Unlike 33 Days to Morning Glory, this book does not include four weeks with four different saints. 101 Diary, 20. As Abraham had the stars and Mary had the words of Elizabeth, you have Thereses smile. All our justice is stained in Your eyes. It provides us the opportunity, in the veiled form of Sacrament, to love God as he loves us, to actually love him perfectly. And, actually, Therese is smiling at you now. Bless us with your mercy when we leave our home and bless us again when we return. Youre not attractive. But my plea was a mere nothing in the face of the divine anger. 31 4:18) and considered that God was able to raise up Isaac even from the dead. Problem is, many of us dont sec it. 71-83. Then, beginning tomorrow, well spend one foil week in an Advent-like time of hope-filled darkness before reviewing everything weve learned and then actually' making the Offering. Why did he put himself in need of mercy from us? Its a longing that prepares us for the martyrdom of love. The martyrdom of love is rhe sweet martyrdom through which little souls can hope that God will come for us at the very 122 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE end of our lives and manifest his love for us in such a way that it will cause us to die of love. Consoling the Heart of Jesus, and the new book 33 Days to Merciful Love. 33 DAYS TO MERCIFUL LOVE 150 Prayer. And for this I had no need to grow up, but rather I had to remain little tend become this more and more.54 Question: When you read the lives of the saints, do they seem like eagles soaring on die heights while youre just a little bird that cant fly? DAY 8 None More Lowly 1 just said that perhaps no one among sinful humanity is more lowly and little than Therese of Lisieux. I mean, I couldnt have put the objection better myself. Its when we receive the rays of his love and mercy and say the prayer, Jesus, I trust in you for this truly con soles his Heart. In other words, as we learn from Sacred Scripture, in times of great evil, God gives even greater grace'. And when our focus is not on ourselves when were suffering, while it certainly still hurts, we often don't even notice our own pain. After your soul has filled, after your lungs have filled, you linger at the end of the fiat moment as you simply enjoy and take delight in his Merciful Love. Jesus gives it. However, as we learned in point two, for the sake offriendship, in Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God chose to need our love. Nothing has ever hit me so strongly. For today, though, lets look at those who feel they cant relate to Therese or her teaching because they actually struggle with attachments, deliberate venial sins, and maybe even grave sins. One must conquer it at sword point, one must suffer one must agonize .41 Now, apart from the influence of Jansenism, Thereses lowliness is also the result of her simply being a very fragile and broken little girl. So, there you have a way to live the Offering to Merciful Love and renew it with every breath as a spiritual communion of Merciful Love. For instance, in the book Trustful Surrender to Divine Provi dence: The Secret to Peace and Happiness by Fr. Let the rays of grace enter your soul; they bring with them light, warmth, and life (1486). Of course, for a Marian consecration, such a day would be any Marian feast and the same thing goes for a Divine Mercy consecration. Mortal sin destroys charity in the heart of man by a grave violation of Gods law; it turns man away from God, who is his ultimate end and his beatitude, by preferring an inferior good to him. Its because weakness and wretchedness are precisely what attracts his Merciful Love. how I would like to be able to make you understand what I feel! This prayer comes to us from St. Thereses friend, St. Faustina157 and its powerful. Well, thats when Fr. Specifically, he appeared to St. Faustina and told her to paint an image of himself with the words Jesus, I trust in you at the bottom. Also, recall that Thereses words here are similar to something else she said, which we read on Day 15: What sweet joy it is to think that God is Just, i.e., that He takes into account our weakness, that He is perfecdy aware of our fragile nature. So, in a sense, compassionate suffering is easier to bear and less scary than physical suffering. Using the same 33-day preparation format, "33 Days to Merciful Love" journeys with one of the most beloved saints of modern times, St. Therese of Lisieux, and concludes with a consecration to Divine Mercy. So, I told Fr. Also, regarding the idea of Gods amazing mercy for sinners being beyond the power of words to express, Jesus once said to St. Faustina, My daughter, do you think you have written enough about My mercy? Seraphim interrupted my contentment: And how do you live trust? We see this kind of freedom, for example, in the saints particularly in those who gifted the Church with major spiri tualities. 33 days to morning glory retreat companion pdf 33 Days to Merciful Love is the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. I say it has the potential, because its up to ns whether or not well let it. The word conse cration means to set apart for God. When Mary said, Let it be done to me, she was allowing the Incar nation of the Word to take place in her immaculate soul. the Love and merits of the Blessed Virgin, my dear Mother. 276-77. But we have to be willing to accept the cross of an ordinary life and cat the bread of daily darkness. For instance, as a child, when ever shed make some mistake or do something wrong, even without meaning to, shed be filled with anxiety34 and ask for pardons which never end.35 Her mother relates, We tell her shes forgiven but in vain. Therese does, however, recognize that the practice of familiarity with Jesus isnt easy, acknowledging that we dont get to this in a single day (cited in Ahern, p. 167). Now, before I explain APPENDIX ONE: Living the Offering 161 what it is, 1 should first say something about spiritual commun ions in general. Let me explain. That blessing reveals the innermost reality of Mary, because Marys inner reality was a reality' of faith (or trust). Its the Good News that God doesnt love us because were so good but because hes so good, that he loves us not because we deserve it but because we desperately need it. Optional Closing Prayer Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. If the priest cant make it, perhaps you can ask him to solemnly bless your image (with others from the parish) on Divine Mercy Sunday. Its short.) I know that Jesus cannot desire useless sufferings for us, and that He would not inspire the longings I feel unless He wanted to grant them.102 Does this sound like someone who regrets having offered herself to Merciful Love? 8 Ibid. Saint Peter Canisius, Doctor of the Church (feast day: Dec. 21 ), travelled more than 20,000 miles on horseback during his years of ministry and essentially renewed the Catholic faith in Germany. Youll be purified by love and, if you live die Litde Way and die Offering, you need have no fear of purgatory.180 Moreover, your heart will receive healing graces that will make it more sensitive and compassionate to die suffering of others. Now, regarding the teaching that unshakable trust purifies you and ensures that you will not have to go to purgatory, Therese is in good company. 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