In the Dachau camp itself, an international committee composed of representatives of the various nationalities imprisoned there was established to organize resistance. [91] As a result, in February 1951, the 45th Infantry Division was alerted that it would sail for Japan. The thunderbird is a symbol of the Southwestern Indians meaning sacred bearer of unlimited happiness. His discharge papers list him as part of HQ & HQ Company 290 Infantry, which, if I'm right was part of the 75th Division, but they were farther to the north, involved in the Bulge. As I turned to look over the prison yard with unbelieving eyes, I saw a large number of dead inmates lying where they had fallen in the last few hours or days before our arrival. In 1963, the formation was reorganized in accordance with the Reorganization Objective Army Divisions plan, which saw the establishment of a 1st, 2nd and 3rd Brigade within the division. Immediately after Dachau's liberation, US Army authorities and other Allied representatives began treating the sick prisoners, implementing health and sanitary measures to curb the typhus epidemic, and bringing in tons of food to feed the starving prisoners. [36] The 45th Division spent a few days in that city, but on 1 August, the division was withdrawn from the front line for rest and rear-guard patrol duty,[26] after which the division was assigned to Major General Ernest J. Dawley's VI Corps, part of the U.S. Fifth Army, under Lieutenant General Mark W. Clark, in preparation for the invasion of mainland Italy. As the 45th Infantry Division completed its drive on Munich, the unit was ordered to liberate the Dachau concentration camp. [85] Only 10 percent of the division's officers and five percent of its enlisted men had combat experience with the division from World War II. So the stories that came down through the family where all about dad or grandpa's taking part in the D-Day landings on Normandy because they'd never heard about the ones in Southern France. Following Sicily the division landed at Salerno and Anzio, as part of the forces in the taking of Italy. Casualty figures for the 45th Infantry Division, European theater of operations: The 45th Infantry Division gained its nickname, "Thunderbird" division, from the gold thunderbird. During World War I, Colonel A. W. Bloor, commander of the 142nd Infantry, 36th Division, tested and deployed a code, using the Choctaw language in place of regular military code. The Seventh Army was being disbanded and Patton had been appointed Military Governor of Bavaria, placing the matter in his hands. The 45th Infantry Division, Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico National Guards, the Thunderbirds, were a group of citizen soldiers who fought long and hard during World War II (Sicily, Naples-Foggia, Anzio, Rome-Arno, Southern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace, and Central Europe Campaigns), and still do today, as a Seperate Infantry Brigade. One possible method of researching his assignments is to start with the morning resorts for the last unit to which he was assigned, which would be the HQ & HQ Company 290 Infantry Regiment. Additionally, only about 20 percent of its personnel had prior experience of military service from World War II. See: As a result of this effort, two 45th Infantry Division units existed between 1952 and 1953; the mostly Active-duty 45th Infantry Division (AUS) in Korea, and the National Guard 45th Infantry Division (NGUS) in Oklahoma. With the American entry into World War I, in April 1917, troops of the National Guard were formed into the units which exist today, with elements of the Colorado National Guard forming the 157th Infantry Regiment, the Arizona National Guard forming the 158th Infantry Regiment, and the New Mexico National Guard forming the 120th Engineer Regiment. [117] One soldier from the division, Charles George, was awarded the Medal of Honor while serving in Korea. However, with the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany, with its infamous swastika symbol, the 45th Division stopped using the insignia. [6] The division was formed and federally recognized as a National Guard unit on 3 August 1923 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Originally organized in the continental U.S. in 1917, this organization sailed to the Philippines with all of its records and colors. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. We would like to thank Crown Family Philanthropies and the Abe and Ida Cooper Foundation for supporting the ongoing work to create content and resources for the Holocaust Encyclopedia. Markham. It will take considerably longer to eliminate the backlog on other types of requests, such as genealogical requests for complete copies of records. Welcome to our 45th Infantry Division photo Galleries. View of a Clearing Station, somewhere behind Utah Beach, Normandy, taken June 6 - 7, 1944 - triage of Airborne casualties and patients . His discharge of course just general information, various theaters served in, listing him attached to HQ CO 290 INF, 75th DIV, but that didn't explain the 3rd DIV patch on his uniform. Company Morning Reports. After advancing up the Italian peninsula, the 45th landed at Anzio in February 1944, where it withstood repeated German assaults against its positions. Jive Software Version: , revision: 20220815205735.50e1b0c.master, The 42nd and 45th Infantry Divisions and the 20th Armored Division liberated Dachu, however there were many, ubcamps and soldiers with our unit, the 36th Infantry Division, often related in the stories they told to. View the list of all donors. Nora Drewry wrote on January 10, 2014. Please type your message and try again. In conjunction with the reenacting unit is a Venturing Crew of the Boy Scouts of America, allowing members of the unit who are under 18 years of age to participate in events. They trace their lineage from frontier militias that operated in the Southwestern United States throughout the late 1800s. [39] The 45th Infantry Division landed its 157th and 180th regimental combat teams and captured the heights of the Chaines de Mar before meeting with the 1st Special Service Force. [55] The 45th Infantry Division, now commanded by Major General Robert T. Frederick, who had previously commanded the 1st Special Service Force, was reassigned to VI Corps on New Year's Day. On 23 May, VI Corps, now commanded by Major General Lucian Truscott, went on the offensive, breaking out of the beachhead to the northeast, with the 45th Division forming the left half of the attack. [93][97] Nevertheless, it was not deployed to Korea until December 1951, when its advanced training was complete. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States. In his effects was a hard cover book, similar to school year books, of the 180 Infantry, 45th Division, published in Munich,1945. Below is a list of colors and symbols, and what they mean. The following month, the division landed in Sicily, where it engaged Axis troops in combat. On April 29, 1945, three US Army divisions converged on the camp: the 42nd Infantry, the 45th Infantry, and the 20th Armored. The dates after the campaign name are the dates of the campaign not of the division. [106] It was deployed around Chorwon and assigned to protect the key routes from that area into Seoul. [11], The division's original shoulder sleeve insignia, approved in August 1924,[12] featured a swastika, a common Native American symbol, as a tribute to the Southwestern United States region which had a large population of Native Americans. The first major German counterattack came in early February, was against the British 1st Division. Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! A non-commissioned officer, Sergeant Horace T. West, 33 years old, later confessed to the crimes in the first incident and was found guilty. [94] Its anti-aircraft and armor assets were used as mobile artillery, which continuously pounded Chinese positions. I had to show them his records, with our unit to prove that he was nowhere near Normandy in June 1944. Just that, no other details. [39] At this time, VI Corps was attached to the Seventh Army, under Lieutenant General Alexander Patch, itself part of the Sixth United States Army Group under Lieutenant General Jacob L. & 01.01.1945-16.02.1945 & 04.03.1945-09.05.1945, 191st Tank Battalion (less A Company & 3rd Red is a symbol of bravery and valor. Malnutrition and disease were rampant, and corpses lay unburied. [38] On 10 September, elements of the division conducted its second landing at Agropoli and Paestum with the 36th Infantry Division, on the southernmost beaches of the attack. Division. Yellow is a symbol of warmth or energy. Please check NARAs web page about, The U.S. Re: Seeking roster for 45th Infantry Division Dave Kerr Nov 30, 2022 12:50 PM ( in response to Katie Geuin ) Katie, I checked the 29 June 1945 Division Roster as well as my General Orders' Worksheet and did not find your dad's name. Like Our Web page? ", This page was last edited on 9 January 2023, at 02:37. [51] The German Army, reeling from the Battle of Normandy, in which it had suffered a major defeat, pulled back after a short fight, part of an overall German withdrawal to the east following the landings. & 01.04.1945-10.05.1945, 636th TD Battalion (SP) (less C Company The scene near the entrance to the confinement area numbed my senses. [39] The division crossed the Danube River on 27 April, and liberated 32,000 captives of the Dachau concentration camp on 29 April 1945. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Naples-Foggia. Men from the state militias of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma made up the division. . Documents: All of the files from The 45th Division in World War II: The Thunderbirds Facebook Group in searchable PDF format plus other documents. The 45th Infantry Division was an infantry division of the United States Army, most associated with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, from 1920 to 1968. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1924 from National Guard units in the southwestern United States. The 45th Infantry Division guardsmen saw . However, everyone at that time had heard of Dachu so it is what stuck in people's minds. Once this rest period was complete, the division was assigned to XV Corps for the final push into German territory. Inside this website you will find over 100 pages of Maps History and Photographs of the World War Two Thunderbirds. News of Dachau's liberation spread swiftly. Does anyone in the family have his discharge papers that confirm he was a member. Please complete a GSA Standard Form 180 and mail it to NARA's National Personnel Records Center, (Military Personnel Records), 1 Archives Drive, St. Louis, MO 63138-1002. As a result, the division was not sent into combat upon arrival and instead commenced training at Arzew, French Morocco,[26] in preparation for the invasion of Sicily. [109] It also conducted constant small-unit patrols along the border seeking to engage Chinese outposts or patrols. [95], On 1 September 1950,[96] the 45th Infantry Division was activated as the first National Guard division to be deployed to the Far East theater since World War II. The 45th Infantry Museum honors not just their service, but that of all Oklahomans. [7] It was assigned the 89th Infantry Brigade of the Colorado and Arizona National Guards, and the 90th Infantry Brigade of the Oklahoma National Guard. [15] Its men immediately began basic combat training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. George Patton, the Seventh Army commanding general, asked Omar Bradley, II Corps commanding general, to get the cases dismissed to prevent bad press, but Bradley refused. In 1940, the "Thunderbird" division was reactivated and deployed in late June 1943 to North Africa. If it is on the righthand side, as he wore it, then this means the unit he served with was attached to the 3rd ID during combat operations. At the time, the 45th Infantry Division was comprised overwhelmingly of high school students or recent graduates and only about 60 percent of its divisional troops had conducted training and drills with the division for a year or more. Some of the photos were donated by loved ones seeking to know more about thier relatives wartime . [115] The ensuing Battle of Hill Eerie was one of a series of larger attacks by Chinese and North Korean forces which produced heavier fighting than the previous year had seen. Sheeran later joked that they did so without complaint, likely hoping that he and his buddies would change their minds. Nevertheless, the Army officials in charge of this camp advised us that there were 50 of these cars in this 1 train and that at least 100 of these civilians had been jammed into each car . In World War II, following stateside training at Camp Barkley, Fort Sill, Camp Devens, the 45th Infantry Division landed in Sicily on 10 July 1943. WW2 Order of Battle Medical Units. The majority of the 45th ID GIs who returned in September 1945 were discharge Nov. - Dec. 1945. Major General Roy Hoffman took command in 1931, followed by Alexander M. Tuthill, Alexander E. McPherren in 1935, and William S. Key in 1936. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Central Europe. B Company), 2nd Chemical Mortar Battalion (less I always felt there was more than a random reason he would have that, though his name\photo is not in the book. "Train, No. In some of these cars there were more than enough to cover the floors. & 02.11.1944 & 05.12.1944-28.12.1944, Hq & Hq Battery, 938th FA Battalion If you havent already done so, we suggest that you request a copy of his, . By mid-February, the 45th was positioned astride the "Via Anziate," the road leading to Rome. The Dachau massacre and other reprisal killings of concentration camp guards and trustee inmates. You did what you had to do.". The 45th Division was deployed on the southeastern side of the beachhead, along the lower Mussolini Canal.[45]. Anzio - Operation Shingle, 22 January- 24 May, 1944: The 45th began landing at Anzio on 22 January, 1944, with the 179th Regiment seeing the Division's first action of the campaign at Aprilia, also known as "the factory" on 27 January. I checked the 1944 and 1945 Division rosters (45th Div. [28], The division was subsequently assigned a lead role in the amphibious assault on Sicily, coming ashore on 10 July. [10] In 1937, the division's troops were once again called up, this time to help manage a locust plague affecting Colorado. When it arrived in Korea, only half the division's manpower were National Guard troops, and over 4,500 guardsmen left between May and July 1952, continually replaced by more active duty troops, including an increasing number of African Americans. I have to wonder why he would have that particular book. We hope this is helpful. 1st Cavalry Medical Squadron. [101] By 1952, it was fully integrated. Almost immediately the Chinese launched a concentrated attack on the hill, overrunning the U.S. [125], As of 1 August 1950, the division consisted of 698. Dad was not given to bragging about his three years in Europe. . So he might have actually meant one of the subcamps which would increase the number of possible units. & 01.11.1944-10.11.1944 & 01.12.1944-14.02.1945 & 05.03.1945-22.03.1945 [43] Landing on schedule, VI Corps surprised the Germans, but Major General Lucas's decision to consolidate the beachhead instead of attacking gave the Germans time to bring the LXXVI Panzer Corps forward to oppose the landings. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. On April 20, it captured the city of Nuremberg and on April 30, Munich. I think that means he would have been in one of the artillery units for the 45th Infantry Division, but I don't know where to find a roster to check. These brigades would see no major deployments or events, and were inactivated five years later in 1968. The delegations of journalists and congressmen who had been viewing the Buchenwald concentration camp were quickly diverted to Dachau to see the camp. Also in that collection are two Army Air Corps patches - he started out in the Air Corps - and one USSTAF patch, which the Air Corps evolved into sometime prior to the crossing of the Rhine. [89] Because of heavy casualties and slow reinforcement rates, the Army looked to the National Guard to provide additional units to relieve the beleaguered Eighth Army. Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Southern France, Campaigns of the 45th Infantry Division: Rhineland. On 7 December 1945, the division was inactivated from the active duty force and its members reassigned to other Army units. Armored Division, 409th Infantry Regiment, 103rd Infantry Washington, DC 20024-2126 Rosters for units serving in World War II from 1944 - 1946 were destroyed in accordance with Army disposition authorities. On Sunday, April 29th, 1945, the 3rd Battalion of the 157th Infantry Regiment of the 45th Infantry Division liberated the Dachau concentration camp, near Munich, Germany. families that they liberated Dachu, when technically it was a subcamp called Kaufring II in Landsburg. For more information, please refer to, Onsite Operations at the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis, We searched the National Archives Catalog and located, for Army units that may include morning reports of the component units of the 45th Infantry Division and the 3rd Infantry Division, as well as the 290 Infantry Regiment. After landing in France during Operation Dragoon, they joined the 1945 drive into Germany that ended the War in Europe. 45th Infantry Division. Headquartered mostly in Oklahoma City, the guardsmen fought in both World War II and the Korean War. Please type your message and try again. Detachments The 45th Infantry Division took the strongly defended city of Epinal on 24 September. In the town of Dachau, German opponents of the regime, including a few escaped concentration camp prisoners, took over the town hall, but the local SS put down the small rebellion and executed those among the insurgents whom they caught. Confessed murderer Frank Sheeran later recalled his war service as the time when he first developed a callousness to the taking of human life. B Company, 325th Engineer Combat Platoon, D Company), 47th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division, 47th Tank Battalion, 14th Armored Division (less Fearing political ramifications, Army leaders sought to prevent large numbers of casualties from any one state, and the 45th Infantry Division was an all-Oklahoma organization at the beginning of the war. Battles & Campaigns of World War II Combat load of Infantry SoldierSicily Devers. For more information about these records, please contact the National Archives at St. Louis (RL-SL) at Several units were activated to replace the division and carry on its lineage. [33] For most of the first two weeks while the division moved slowly north, it encountered only light resistance from Italian forces fighting delaying actions. Dante's Inferno seemed pale compared to the real hell of Dachau. Wilkin. [37][40], On 3 November it crossed the Volturno River and took Venafro. You can not post a blank message. [7], The 45th Infantry Division Museum is located in Oklahoma City, and includes a substantial collection of cartoons by World War II cartoonist Bill Mauldin, who served with it during the war. [3] The Oklahoma National Guard units that would later become the 179th Infantry Regiment and 180th Infantry Regiment were assigned to the 36th Division and would earn a combat participation credit during the MeuseArgonne offensive in France as part of the 142nd Infantry. [64] Some veterans of the 45th Infantry Division have said that only 30 to 50 German soldiers were killed and that very few were killed trying to surrender, while others have admitted to killing or refusing to treat wounded German guards.[65]. They took part in intense fighting during the invasion of Sicily and the attack on Salerno in the 1943 Italian Campaign. [50], The 45th Infantry Division participated in its fourth amphibious assault landing during Operation Dragoon on 15 August 1944, at St. Maxime, in Southern France. [111], In the division's first few months on the line, Chinese forces conducted three raids in its sector. These pages are built and maintained by the World War II Recreation Association with membership in Northern Delaware, Eastern Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. As we visited Dachau we saw on a railroad sidetrack paralleling the main highway, and close to the gates of the prison camp, a train of cars which had been used to bring additional civilian prisoners to this camp. To access these records for the 1940s, you will need to either make an appointment to visit the National Archives at St. Louis or hire a researcher. In size, these cars were of the small European type, which, when used for the movement of troops, would never accommodate more than 40 men. Slowly advancing through Italy, they fought in Anzio and the Beachhead breakout to the capture of Rome. . Group, 21.10.1944-24.10.1944 & 01.11.1944-11.11.1944, 15.08.1944-18.08.1944 & 19.09.1944-27.10.1944 Courtesy of the 45th Infantry Division Museum. It will take considerably longer to eliminate the backlog on other types of requests, such as genealogical requests for complete copies of records. It quickly advanced through western France, reaching the German border by the end of the year. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. It had left Buchenwald four weeks earlier on April 7 filled with more than 5,000 prisoners. Command Posts. [115] Chinese forces continued to mount concentrated attacks on the lines of the UN forces, including the 45th Infantry Division, but the division managed to hold most of its ground, remaining stationary until the end of the war in the summer of 1953. One of our soldiers told his family about his participation in D-Day in France. Holocaust Memorial Museum provides information about which units liberated which camps on their, Recognition of U.S. Liberating Army Units, Re: Seeking Roster for 45th Inf Division WW2. The 45th Infantry Division was recognized as a liberating unit by the US Army's Center of Military History and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 1985. Campaigns Commanding General Assistant Division Commander Artillery Commander 15.08.1944 We have placed this here so that you can get to see the faces of the men behind the history. [8] The 45th Infantry Division was then based around the 157th, 179th, and 180th Infantry Regiments. Up till now everything was basically small scattered pieces to the puzzle. Find topics of interest and explore encyclopedia content related to those topics, Find articles, photos, maps, films, and more listed alphabetically, Recommended resources and topics if you have limited time to teach about the Holocaust, Explore the ID Cards to learn more about personal experiences during the Holocaust. Eisenhower wanted as many as possible to witness the camps. [48] Men of the 45th Division were the first Allied troops to reach the Vatican. Each car was loaded with emaciated human corpses . I have two rosters of the 45th Division plus several Excel worksheets of men who served in the division. [110] Chinese troops were well dug-in and better trained than the troops of the inexperienced 45th, and it suffered casualties and frequently had to disengage when it was attacked. Hey Dave, Im new to this site and stumbled across this thread. By the time the 45th Infantry Division made it into Germany, the German army was in bad shape. He also claimed to have been at Dachau and talked about it to some detail when I was younger. [citation needed]. [94] The involvement of the National Guard in the fighting in Korea was further expanded when the 40th Infantry Division of the California Army National Guard received warning orders for deployment as well. The 45th Infantry Division was an infantry division of the United States Army, most associated with the Oklahoma Army National Guard, from 1920 to 1968. City and State: HUNTLEY MT German soldiers began surrendering to the Allies in large groups; 325,000 soldiers and civilians . These small-unit actions made up the majority of the division's combat in Korea. [21][23] By the time the 45th Division landed in North Africa on 22 June 1943, the Allies had largely secured the African theater. Entry: 88092 Subject: EDWARD JAMES LAMBERT. Best of luck with your family research! For more information see Official Military Personnel Files (OMPF), Archival Records Requests. A Company), A Company, 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, C Company, 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, B Company, 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, D Company, 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion, 3rd Chemical Mortar Battalion (less At the end of World War II, it contained 89 divisions, but by 1950, there were just 10 active divisions in the force, along with a few reserve divisions such as the 45th Infantry Division which were combat-ineffective. Raymond B Company, 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion 382. "[19][18] In spite of these deficiencies, less than one month later, the men's tour of duty was extended for another eighteen months, much to their chagrin, because of concerns of an impending American entry into World War II.[17]. You can not post a blank message. [21] It then moved to Pine Camp, New York briefly for winter warfare training, but was hampered by continuously poor weather. On 16 February, a major German attack struck the 45th, and nearly broke through the 179th Infantry on 18 February. Calculated attempts to dehumanize and degrade German POWs. Some of those photos match the area where Operation Dragoon was executed. Division (less 3rd Battalion), 314th Infantry Regiment, 79th Infantry Click the image to view the campaign. [80] Instead of comprising units from several states, the post-war 45th was an all-Oklahoma organization. The female cooks were first allowed to leave unmolested, then Sheeran and his fellow GIs "ate what we wanted and soiled the rest with our waste". I have a newspaper clipping from the local paper that he had informed his parents that he had been transferred to the infantry - from the Air Corp/Air Force - of course there would be no mention of what unit he was transferred to, and this was during the winter of '44, when they were pulling men from all branches to fill the line. One of our soldiers told his family about his three years in Europe and Anzio, as part of Division., 601st Tank Destroyer Battalion 382 ; the road leading to Rome or.. Sailed to the Allies in large groups ; 325,000 soldiers and civilians longer to the. Of journalists and congressmen who had been appointed Military Governor of Bavaria, placing matter. Awarded the Medal of Honor while serving in Korea SoldierSicily Devers leading to.... Donated by loved ones seeking to know more about thier relatives wartime War Thunderbirds. The unit was ordered to liberate the Dachau camp itself, an international committee composed 45th infantry division wwii roster! 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