recent trends - sources of growth: csa data growth in the application of modern inputs was slower : on average 44 percent of cultivated area was fertilized and this share grew at average annual rate of 1 percent, rate of chemical fertilizer application averaged 33 kg/ha and grew annually at a rate of 6.8 percent, application of improved seed The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". 3 What is constraints of Ethiopian agriculture? Land degradation impact index (GLADIS). Rural aging has major implications on the rural labor force in patterns of agricultural production, land tenure, the social organization within communities, and socioeconomic development (FAO, 2017). To determine whether farmers consider termites as one of their problems in growing trees and practices they use to manage termites, short semi-structured questionnaires were distributed to farmers selected randomly. Furthermore, this sector requires marketing opportunities to export to foreign countries. In some parts, utilization of the water resources is hindered because of the undulating topography of the country. Land degradation. avoids the problem of heteroskedasticity and endogeneity, reduces the problem of multi . Overcoming these challenges requires a greater commitment of the governments, nongovernment, and other international organizations to assurance the peoples basic needs and inspire the citizens to commercialize agriculture through improving infrastructures, provision of incentives, and export the agricultural commodities. Whereas the temperature increased by 1.3C from 1960 to 2006 (Asaminew & Diriba, 2015). Further, families are unable to purchase basic necessities, as there is no income from the sale of crops. However, it is not sufficient and sustainable to feed these rapidly growing Ethiopians. Alluvial beds of major rivers close to 16%. Land constraints and agricultural intensification in Ethiopia: A village-level analysis of high-potential areas. Key constraints to agricultural productivity in Ethiopia include low availability of improved or hybrid seed, lack of seed multiplication capacity, low profitability and efficiency of fertilizer use due to the lack of complimentary improved practices and seed, and lack of irrigation and water constraints. The eroded soil resulted in infertile soil, low moisture-holding capacity, and a low amount of yield per hectare to be produced (Lebeda et al., 2010). WEAKNESSES. It is settled with low population density and not protected by any land right regimen. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers, mono-cropping; deforestation, soil erosion due to poor soil management practices such as over-cultivation of soils or overgrazing added to the problem. These constraints of soil make a significant portion of land unsuited for crop productions unless serious modification or enhancement is made (Campbell, 2011). 6 What are the problems with agriculture in Ethiopia? The interaction between human population and agricultural production is complex.Intense debates have been continued on population growth against agricultural development. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. They failed to recognize the seriousness of the danger and complexity even when the problems had actually revealed themselves. In Ethiopia, agriculture is started during the Neolithic revolution era, ten thousand years ago. So, it is suggested that balancing the productive and dependent manpower is important because manpower planning is a very important tool and technique of human resources in any sector of development. 3099067 Loss of Arable Land threaten world food supplies, Ethiopia - Average consumer prices inflation rate. Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum, and barley) are the core of Ethiopias agriculture and food economy, accounting for about three-fourths of the total area cultivated, 29 percent of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) in 2005/06 (14 percent of total GDP), and 64 percent of calories consumed (FAO . In Ethiopia, bananas are one of the main commodities with huge export market potential. This report is agreed with the report of Boserup (1965), who indicated that farm sizes (at both the individual and community levels) are likely to be a key determinant of the demand for intensive technologies, such as plows, chemical fertilizers, high-yielding seeds, and improved natural resource management practices. Economical irrigation potential by river basin of Ethiopia. Examples of major regular insect pests in Ethiopia. It also declines the levels of arable land availability (Campbell, 2011; Pender et al., 2006). Furthermore, it requires institutionalizing the policy of institutions, technologies, capacity building, infrastructure, and markets to mitigate the constraints of smallholders (Awulachew et al., 2007). In short, unemployment, waterlogging in wetland areas, salinity in arid and semi-arid areas, acidity in high rainfall areas, pests (like weeds, diseases, and insects), and erratic rainfall distribution are the common problems. . This report also indicated that in the past three decades, 23% of the land area is degraded based on estimation using satellite imagery hotspots that could be translated to 54 USD billion, and the annual cost of land degradation associated with land use and change of cover is estimated to be about 4.3 USD billion. Dryland areas in Ethiopia encompass pastoral and agro-pastoral areas in the country and have long been regarded as peripheries especially in economic terms. Ethiopia. It posed a huge challenge to Ethiopians. 2 The main contributions, potentials, characteristics and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. Globally, about 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation ( 2 and 3). This isconstrained by abiotic and biotic factors. In addition, the countrys agriculture highly depends on rain-fed. Waterlogging is the main drainage problem in the small scale irrigation schemes in the Vertisols dominated highland areas while salinity and salinization is a common phenomenon in the large and. Because agriculture is the primary source for . Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: The challenges and prospects of Ethiopian agriculture, 1 College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, School of Plant Sciences, Haramaya University, Dire Dewa, Ethiopia, The role of climateforestagriculture interface in climate resilient green economy of Ethiopia, Spatiotemporal variability and trends of rainfall and temperature in the Northeastern Highlands of Ethiopia, Landlessness, land access modalities and poverty in rural areas of Oromia national regional state, Ethiopia, Impacts of climate change on food security in Ethiopia: adaptation and mitigation options: A review, Rural population change in developing countries: Lessons for policy making, Climate change, growth, and poverty in Ethiopia, Recent changes in rainfall, temperature and number of rainy days over Northern Oromia zone, Horticultural crops research and development in Ethiopia: Review on current status, Effects of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and responses: The case of Soro Woreda, Hadiya zone. The rapidly growing population is a source of labor to exploit the existing resources for agricultural-sector investors. As FAO (2010) report indicated, the soil erosion hazard, aluminum toxicity, soil shallowness, and hydromorphone are constraining 1316% of the global arable land areas. In fact, the soil erosion caused by rainfall is severe on the topography of the land that has a slope of more than 16%. Therefore, it requires taking critical actions to solve it. Such food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations and further intensifies the international security problems in the horn of Africa (Cohen & Garrett, 2009; Chakraborty & Garrett, 2002). The agriculture sector is projected to grow at 6.2 percent per annum over the next ten years. The above-raised problems contributed a picture of increased degradation of existing arable land, as well as difficulties with making new arable land in the future. Generally, the landless farmers become at risk in Ethiopia at this moment than the previous feudal systems or before the Derge regime. major problems of agriculture in ethiopia The aim of this paper is to demonstrate trends and controversies of population growth and . But there is a critical lack of comprehensive study on the extent of landlessness, its effects, and coping mechanisms in the country (Adugna, 2019). The overall food prices in Ethiopia were inflated from 7.4 to 15.8% between the years of 20142019 ( Consequently, the countrys minimum temperature has increased by 0.37C to 0.4C per decade (Astawsegn, 2014). Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The farmers continued to utilize their ancient system of production despite changing ecological and population pressures. Agriculture is the foundation of Ethiopia's economy. Because many family members will be becoming jobless since the land is not enough to engage them as full-time farmers. The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review. Deforestation 4. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). It also reduced the plot size of farmland (Crewett et al., 2008). Increasing food demands through intensive competition on the available natural resources are the root causes of increasing greenhouse gas emissions, massive deforestation, losses of flora and fauna species, and land degradation (FAO, 2016), soil nutrient depletion, water scarcities particularly freshwater, violations or conflicts of interest, shortage of food availability, disrupt access to food and health care and undermining of social protection systems are pushing many affected people back into poverty. The variation of climate change in Ethiopia is not limited to rainfall but includes temperatures (Tables 7 and 8), relative humidity, wind, and others. The deteriorating situation of food security in Ethiopia is caused by population pressure, drought, shortage of farmland, lack of oxen, deterioration of food production capacity, outbreak of plant and animal disease, poor soil fertility, frost attack, shortage of cash income, poor farming technologies, weak extension . Ethiopia is home to a large number of people living below the international poverty line, and although the economy is diversifying, farming is still the main source of income for many people. Collaborating with agro ecology, agroforestry, climate-smart agriculture, and conservation agriculture could boost drastic cuts in the Ethiopian economy. Your email address will not be published. Having a high population is the resource itself in the development of the economy, but the wellbeing of having a high population is utilized for politicizing in terms of political propaganda rather than engaging the economy in Ethiopia. Furthermore, the fast increasing population with traditional farming practices and tools led the farmers to expand agricultural farmland to the delicate ecological system thereby risking to the fabric of their own livelihood through desertification of the environment. ), grain moths (Sitotroga cerealella), and bean bruchids (Acanthoscelides obtectus, Bruchus pisorum, and Zabrotes subfasciatus)], aphids, thrips, two-spotted spider mites (Tetranchus urticae), white mango scale insects (Aulacaspis tubercularis), etc. Despite the numerous challenges, Ethiopia has marvelous opportunities like the commercialization of fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plant productions. Land-based adaptation and resilience powered by nature. Poverty is the number 1 problem in Ethiopia. Land degradation is not limited to Ethiopia but it is a problem of the world. Non-Implementation of Government Policies. Currently, the proportion of the population that access more than 2 ha of farmland achieve a basic subsistence under normal conditions of productivity levels. The poor farming system such as mono-cropping contributed to soil degradation and nutrient depletion and consequently low yield (Marais et al., 2012). The present study showed that the . To evaluate the efficacy of some non-chemical control methods, Eucalyptus . Melese (2019) reported that the use of improved crop varieties, agroforestry, crop diversification, soil conservation, off-farm, and irrigation practices, and adjusting the time of planting is the most important strategies. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Furthermore, mitigating the variability of climate change helps the most vulnerable group of the society to stabilize farmers income during drought and poor output (Shekuru et al., 2020). In short, unemployment, waterlogging in wetland areas, salinity in arid and semi-arid areas, acidity in high rainfall areas, pests (like weeds, diseases, and insects), and erratic rainfall distribution are the common problems. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). The agricultural sector of Ethiopia has shown remarkable resilience over many centuries though it is now increasingly failing. In particular, the national action plans for input supplies and services strategies implementation are the need of time to ensure the developmental sectors (FAO, 2010). The lowlands are vulnerable to increased temperatures and prolonged droughts, while the highlands suffered from more intense and irregular rainfall. Pest management support services strategy for Ethiopia. Advertisement. Around 80-85% Ethiopians are engaged in agriculture, mainly in subsistence and rain-fed farming and livestock production. Globally, population growth is slowing in the rest continents except Africa and Asia (FAO, 2017). It is proximity to Middle East markets is valuable to transport fresh products within a short period of time to the needed destination. What are the major problem of agriculture in Ethiopia? It was the highest in dryland areas of the world regions (FAO, 2014; FAO, 2017). By the year 2005 consumers in developing countries were consumed 87% more meat and 75% . The rural population density affects agricultural intensification and productivity. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Twenty-four (24) % of the degraded areas are found in Africa, SouthEast Asia, and South China, Northcentral Australia, Pampas, Swaths of the Siberian and Northern American taiga; 1.5 billion people live in these areas (Bai et al., 2008). Around 80.0-85.0% of Ethiopians are engaged in agriculture, mainly in subsistence and rain-fed farming and livestock production. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Government policies regarding expanding of crop production to export fruits and vegetables to the international market to improve the citizens income are encouraging (Wiersinga et al., 2008). The result: crop yields have shot up, growth in agriculture has averaged 7% per year over the past decade and millions of farmers have been lifted out of poverty. (, University of Pennsylvania Press (for International Food Policy Research Institute), The role of remote sensing in land degradation assessments: Opportunities and challenges, Newly emerging insect pests and diseases as a challenge for growth and development of Ethiopia: The case of Western Oromiya. The northern part of Ethiopia is highly affected historically by drought/famine several times. Generally the adverse consequences of global changes have the most significant effects on the poorest and most vulnerable, who historically have had limited entitlements and opportunities for growth. Particularly in the northern provinces, which have been settled with sedentary agriculture for millennia, population density has caused major damage to the soil's physical base, to its organic and chemical nutrients, and to the natural vegetation cover. These activities may include the provision of social services to accommodate the new generation (FAO, 2017). Moreover, it also leads migration, humanitarian aid, and food production under more capital-intensive that concentrated in fewer hands from input accessing to the provisioning of food distribution (FAO, 2017). Not only will there be more mouths to feed, but as incomes grow in emerging and . It represents about 22% of the worlds crops, pastures, forests, and woodlands. How much of Ethiopias land is under cultivation? Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is produced as forest coffee, and therefore the use . More than 80% of the population lives in rural areas where farming (i.e. Ethiopia's economy is dependent on agriculture, which accounts for 40 percent of the GDP, 80 percent of exports, and an estimated 75 percent of the country's workforce. The integral agricultural practices to sustain its growth include the use of farmland, labor, other inputs through technological progress, social innovation, and new business models in efficient and effective ways by conserving the scarce natural resources according to local conditions (Troell et al., 2014; OECD, 2011). Therefore, it is expected from the government of Ethiopia to develop a new developmental plan that benefits all farmers in terms of utilizing arable farmland for the sustainable use of the current and future generations. Ethiopia 's industrial sectors classified into four basic groups: agriculture, food processing, construction, resources and energy and tourism. If critical issues are not addressed the food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations which may lead to migration. It varies from season to season, and year to year across agro-ecological regions [(Dega (high land), Woina Dega (midland), and kola (lowland)] of the country (Shekuru et al., 2020) (Tables 4, 5, and 6). It is also difficult to implement mechanize farms, inefficient to work on it to secure the families demand because the small farm size cultivated is yielded lower. Within the country, there is a lack of improved seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation. Therefore, emphasizing agriculture in Ethiopia requires the political as well as the economic commitment of all parties concerned. 2 The main contributions, potentials, characteristics and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. This is one of the leading issues that they are facing every day. Governments are expected to enact socio-economic plans, such as reducing rural fertility rates (Prtner et al., 2012), and developing secondary cities and towns. This will improve the efficiency of food production, income, and environmental co-benefits (FAO, 2015). The country has also a great variety of climate and soil types that enables it to grow a diversity of horticultural crops. Across Ethiopia, nearly 9 million people are in need of food assistance. Such integration of agricultural stakeholders may improve smallholder livelihoods; shorten food supply chains and impact biodiversity through inclusive and resilient food production way. What are the problems with agriculture in Ethiopia? But increased input alone does not increase the food supply and staple crop yields, and thus farm income declines as population density increases. It was highly aggravated in the Middle East countries of the world (Figure 2). Expert Solution. The author received no direct funding for this research. Ethiopia is a landlocked country split by the Great Rift Valley. The amount of river-based water in Ethiopia could be 124.4 billion cubic meters (Berhanu et al., 2014). In some places high salinity and sodicity/alkalinity levels coupled with poor drainage of the soils are at present resulting in quite a large area of productive lands being abandoned from cultivation. Based on this information by 2050, the Ethiopian temperature will be increased by 1.72.1C than the present (Befikadu et al., 2019). Its distributions over the country are strongly inconsistent in each season (Kew et al., 2017; Fekadu, 2015; McDonald, 2010). The disintegrated practices cost more budget and even may not meet their purpose due to mismanagement along the multiple channels. Ethiopias population is growing into the 21st century with their generationally acquired wisdom and skills. It does not store any personal data. However, Ethiopia is almost rainfall-dependent as there are no practices of water harvesting technology (Ayalew, 2018). According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Ethiopia's GDP growth rate will increase by around 7.8% to 10% by 2023. However, currently, the building of houses, industries or fabrics, urban establishments, and other infrastructures are undertaken on a larger scale. Ethiopia is a preferred destination for many investors and tourists because of the unique climatic conditions it possesses. The urgency and complexity of the problem of lack of food self-sufficiency, the inefficiency of economic development forced the Ethiopia government to secure food at very high cost (FAO, 2011; USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), 2010). 4. According to Infomineo (2016), the key agricultural sectors in Ethiopia are the following: Coffee & tea; Ethiopia has a great potential for coffee production, thanks to the country's abundant rainfall, optimum temperatures, conducive altitude, and fertile soil. 36 likes 22,568 views. rahulsharma789888. The maize lethal necrotic viruses, leaf and fruit spot of citrus (Pseudocercospora angolensis), Bacterial wilt (Pseudomonas solanacearum) of ginger (Duressa, 2018), garlic rot (Sclerotium cepivorum Berk), Bacterial wilt of ginger (Ralstonia solanacearum), and new races of wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp.tritici (1b) are among the major crop diseases (MoANR (Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources), 2016). Despite the numerous challenges, Ethiopia has marvelous opportunities like the commercialization of fruit, vegetable, and ornamental plant productions. Although soil erosion, overgrazing, and deforestation have seriously damaged the plateaus, nearly half the potentially cultivable land is still available for use. It caused severe loss of fertile soil and disturbs the sustainability of land resources due to the low supply of organic matter (Gashaw et al., 2014; Taddese, 2001). The reduced precipitation and rise of temperature could influence agricultural practices and their results widely (Shekuru et al., 2020). Many factors: (80% of the population is farmer) overused land dependence on rain (lack of alternative sources of water) shortage of technological advancements on the farming techniques. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Most of the Ethiopian water flows to the Western direction (69.83%), following to Eastern (33.34%) as indicated in Table 11. Organic materials such as organic manure and straw has been used for soil amelioration. Arthropod pests such as locust (Schistocerca gregaria), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), stalk borer (Busseola fusca, Chilo partellus and Sesamia calamistis), cutworm, fruit flies (Ceratitis cosyra, C. fasciventris, C. rosa, C. anonae, and C. capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. invadens), termites (Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Microtermites, etc), weevils [(Sitophilus spp. Although important it was, in Ethiopia, academic workers have never been recognized as important developmental issues. This review paper addresses the key problems to the countrys policymakers, academic workers, researchers, farmers, and other stakeholders to plan to solve the problems in the future. In Ethiopia, smallholder agriculture is vulnerable mainly to recurrent drought and human induced factors owing to population pressure. It is also complicated by unequal distribution among the householders. Vertically coordinated, more organized food systems offer standardized food for urban areas and formal employment opportunities for both rural and urban areas. For instance, the wholesale price unit of maize grain in the capital city of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) alone increased from 1,469 to 5,013 from 2005 to 2012 in Ethiopian Birr (ETB) per ton (FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations), 2015) and the price is tripled in the last five years. The political unrest was expressed in frequent protests that resulted in the loss of the existing resources of both private and public such as mechanized farm equipment, shelters, floriculture, personal house, shops, materials, other farm equipment, and tools of the researchers institute and campaigns are a real crisis of visions that could bring a total failure of understanding, and unwilling to work devotional following this unrest and harassment especially discouraging private investors in the agricultural sector (FAO, 2019; ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), 2017; ATA, 2014; ATA, 2013). Since Ethiopia's economy depends mostly on agriculture (about 45 to 50% of GDP), natural causes such as drought and sometimes unpredictable flooding put the entire economy of Ethiopia in a very bad shape and leave many starving. The effects of climate change (e.g., frequent occurrence of extreme weather . Ethiopia is known as the water tower of East Africa. For instance, foreign investment in Ethiopia . Livestock population with estimated 30-35 million. Its agriculture sector, economy, and food security status are equally complex. Although it has a positive effect on the increment utilization of input demand like fertilizer and improved varieties. The country misused these gifted natural resources in agricultural activities possibly mainly due to the political unrest characterized by the frequent war that weakened the economy rather than focused on development. It constitutes over 50% of the gross domestic product (GDP), accounts for over 85% of the labour force and earns over 90% of the foreign exchange [2]. It accelerates soil erosion, flooding, and drought. Nevertheless, arable land is an indispensable resource for Ethiopians to secure food and food self-sufficiency. UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification). Therefore, there is a need for increased attention to adapt and mitigate mechanisms. Therefore, raising production levels and reducing their variability are essential aspects of improving food security in . Agricultural Production System in Ethiopia Agricultural production is dominated by smallholder households which produce more than 90% of agricultural . A research report on land tenure and agricultural development in Ethiopia. The highlands suffered from more intense and irregular rainfall them as full-time farmers has increased by from. Areas in the category `` Other resource for Ethiopians to secure food and agriculture Organization of the regions! Organized food systems offer standardized food for urban areas, income, and food self-sufficiency of... Overall food prices in Ethiopia at this moment than the previous feudal systems or before the regime... Beds of major rivers close to 16 % Ethiopia & # x27 ; s economy is dominated by households! 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