Y desde aquel momento el discpulo la recibi en su casa. No se enfade mi Seor si hablo una vez ms; quiz se encuentren all diez. Then it was that God resolved upon the destruction of these sinners. Louis Ginzberg, ed., The Legends of the Jews: Volume One From Creation to Jacob (Henrietta Szold, trans. With perhaps the pinnacle of Sodoms depravity is mercilessness.6 (Far too often in a lexically ingrained way! What if there are twenty found there?. Based on Gods own words, we can say with certainty that God does not operate in a vacuum but out of concern and care for the sake of the righteous. It contains a number of rather unique images and metaphors, uses words and concepts that are rare or unique in the New Testament, and unfolds in very dense sentences populated with numerous subordinate clauses. Lea la Escritura: Gnesis 18:16-33. Something must be amiss. the sin of Sodom is associated with homosexuality, based on a narrow reading of Genesis 19:5b. The Lord asked, Will I hide from Abraham what I do, since Abraham has surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed in him? (18:17 18). Abram graciously gave Lot his choice, saying, "Isn't the whole land before you? Por medio de la hospitalidad, el visitante deba pasar de ser una posible amenaza a convertirse en un aliado. If God will spare the city for forty-five righteous people, surely he will spare it for forty. In the midst of this seeing-off, the reader becomes privy to an inner dialogue among the three, which by this point in the story clearly includes the Lord.1 The question that resonates among the three and from the Lord builds upon the Lords covenant with Abraham: Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?2 To this point, Abraham is clueless of the trajectory of this seeing-off a trajectory that moves the narrative from promise (fulfillment of the covenant with the birth of Isaac) to judgment (the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah). Abraham se da cuenta de que (1) est acabando con la paciencia del Seor y (2) que no est logrando nada, pero an siente la necesidad de intentar una vez ms, bajando el nmero por otros diez. What if there are thirty found there? He said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there., 31He said, See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord. A la tierra que Yo te mostrar: Despus de decir que quera que Abram dejara su pas y su parentela, Dios le prometi a Abram una tierra. Nous ne pouvons, que nous le voulions ou non, nous passer d'eux et eux de nous. Gerechte finde, werde ich ihretwegen dem ganzen Ort Gnesis 22:1-18 Despus de haber considerado en el captulo anterior el nacimiento de Isaac y el exilio de Agar e Ismael, llegamos a un lugar y momento crucial de la Biblia. 33Yahweh went his way, as soon as he had finished communing with Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place. No la destruir, respondi, por amor a los veinte. The writer of the book of Proverbs has the Lord saying, He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous, both of them alike are an abomination to Yahweh (Proverbs 17:15). In war we call it collateral damage and find the idea highly repugnant. 25Lejos de ti el hacer tal, que hagas morir al justo con el impo y que sea el justo tratado como el impo; nunca tal hagas. 30Y dijo: No se enoje ahora mi Seor, si hablare: quiz se hallarn all treinta. Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great and their sin is very grave, I will go down to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry which has come to me; and if not, I will know. (v.20-21) At this point the other two visitors, i.e., the two angels / messengers of Yhwh,3 depart for Sodom. The presence of the righteous serves as a catalyst for Gods mercy toward the wicked. No la destruir, respondi, por amor de los diez (v. 32). The righteous serve a particular function in the economy of the Lords mercy toward the whole, righteous and wicked together. The text does not specify whether God is talking to himself or Abraham, but Gods decision not to keep Abraham in the dark (v. 19) suggests that God is addressing these words to Abraham. Yahweh said, Because the cry (zaaqa) of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous' (v. 20). Entonces, invitan a Lot a que rena su familia para escapar de la destruccin venidera (vv. First, Abraham acknowledges that he is speaking to the Lord and that he knows his place. 1 Despus le apareci Jehov en el encinar de Mamre, estando l sentado a la puerta de su tienda en el calor del da. Now Abraham doubts that there are ten righteous people in Sodom but he doesnt press the issue further. He said, Oh dont let the Lord be angry, and I will speak. He expected God to return his serve, and waits on high alert to see which way he must move to counter Gods return. He tacitly admits that a few righteous may indeed be like the wicked (v. 25) (Fretheim, 470). Having reminded God of who God is Abraham now remembers who he (Abraham) is. The mystery is preserved, however, in the fact that Abraham asks this of God as a question and does not state this as a bald fact. Primeira Leitura, 17 Domingo do Tempo Comum, Gnesis 18, 20-32 (24/07/2022) Jos Lucas Galdino 2.1K views 2 weeks ago Abrao intercede a Deus por 50 justo em Sodoma e Gomorra (Corte do canal. Su gran anhelo lo llevo a tomar un camino equivocado para conseguirlo. Segn aquella antigua mentalidad, si en la ciudad hubiese habido suficiente nmero de justos Abrahn no se atreve a bajar de diez Dios no la habra destruido. When the people of Admah heard of this infraction of the law of the land, they seized the girl and arraigned her before the judge, who condemned her to death. Uno de ellos, identificado en el texto como Jehov (18:13), repiti la promesa anterior que Sara tendr un hijo (18:10), de la que Sara se ri (18:12). We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. DESCENDER AHORA, Y VER 20Entonces Jehov le dijo: Por cuanto el clamor (hebreo: za'aqa) de Sodoma y Gomorra se aumenta ms y ms, y el pecado de ellos se ha agravado en extremo, 21Descender ahora, y ver si han consumado su obra segn el clamor que (hebreo: se'aqa) ha venido hasta m; y si no, saberlo he. Ha terminado su conversacin con Abraham. 15 Y enseaba en sus sinagogas y era honrado por todos. Dans Luc, Jsus apprend le Notre Pre ses disciples; qui lui demandaient comment prier Dieu . El texto no especifica si Dios se habla a si mismo o si le habla a Abraham, pero la decisin de Dios para no encubrirle lo que va a hacer (v. 17), sugiere que Dios dirige estas palabras a Abraham. l saba que el Juez de toda la tierra hara lo justo. Although Abraham does not mention Lots name here, Lot and his family settled in the vicinity of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abrahams concern surely stems in significant measure from his concern for Lots family. Some think they were all created angels; others, that one of them was the Son of God, the Angel of the covenant. What if there are fifty righteous within the city? If so, that would suggest that Abrahams conversation with God has no effect whatsoever on God, and God is less than honest in how God speaks to him. We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. On the one hand we know God because we have Gods own revelation. We use our reason and ecclesiastical traditions to develop frameworks for understanding who God is and how God can be expected to behave and act. 4 La caridad es paciente, la caridad es amable; no es envidiosa, no obra con soberbia, no se jacta, 5 no es ambiciosa, no busca lo suyo, no se irrita, no toma en cuenta el mal, 6 no se alegra por la injusticia, se complace en la verdad; 7 todo lo aguanta, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta. Y respondi: No lo har por amor de los cuarenta. Espera que Dios le responda con otro argumento y, por eso, espera ansioso para ver como ha de contestar. Part and parcel with the covenant comes the Lords expectation that Abraham and his children after him will keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice. (v.19). We are reminded of an earlier occasion when Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (6:5). 24-25). Raras veces existe un lugar tan completamente malo que no incluya ningn justo entre ellos. We notice that this section of the text does not go into the specific details of Sodom and Gomorrahs sin. 22The men turned from there, and went toward Sodom, but Abraham stood yet before Yahweh. Abraham recognizes this by not taking the numbers lower than ten. 24 Quiz haya cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad; la vas a destruir?, no la perdonars en atencin a los cincuenta justos que haya dentro de ella? Abraham se da cuenta de que Jehov ya sabe como concluir su investigacin que Sodoma y Gomorra son, ciertamente, pozos de inmoralidad. ' (v. 23). Now Abraham doubts that there are twenty righteous people in Sodom. Abram lived in the land of Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, and moved his tent as far as Sodom (13:12). 22Y apartronse de all los varones, y fueron hacia Sodoma: mas Abraham estaba an delante de Jehov. Brueggemann, Walter, Interpretation Commentary: Genesis (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982). The Hebrew interrogative with the particle haap can either be translated as indeed, or really, either one suggesting that Abraham is incredulous at this possibility. En cela Abraham, et en bien d'autres circonstances, occupe une place part, dans la bible et dans l'histoire de la rvlation biblique. Consider this next to Psalm 85:10. No perdonar la ciudad por el bien de los cincuenta? Oikonoma. In chapter 18, Abraham showed effusive hospitality to three men (Yahweh and two angels see 18:22; 19:1). He has won the argument or has he? Se han realizado dos tipos de anlisis: uno de contenido . Abrahams language in 18:27, that he is but dust and ashes calls to mind Job 42:6, when Job is comforted concerning his humanity, his state of dust and ashes.. From a sacred covenantal space to a nefarious one. 18 Car Abraham doit devenir une nation grande et puissante, et toutes les nations de la terre doivent tre bnies en lui. After their escape, Then Yahweh rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire from Yahweh out of the sky. En priant, nous devenons les collaborateurs de Dieu dans cette entreprise de Salut individuel pour laquelle, rappelons-nous, le Christ est venu en ce monde pcheur pour accomplir pleinement la promesse de Dieu. En la guerra, algn dao colateral puede ser inevitable al fin y al cabo, guerras son peleadas por humanos imperfectos pero Dios no es imperfecto y ha de llegar a un estndar ms alto. 1. The beautiful transition (vv.16-19, which preachers are strongly encouraged to include in this weeks reading) sees the extension of Abrahams hospitality to its fullness. Especficamente, Dios le prometi la gran . 4,14 Entonces, por impulso del Espritu, volvi Jess a Galilea y se extendi su fama por toda la regin. Gense 18, 20-32 Colossiens 2, 12-14 Luc 11, 1-13 L'intercession d'Abraham Nos lectures bibliques, tires de I' vangile de Luc, de la Gense et de l'ptre de Paul, nous invitent rflchir sur la question et le sens de la prire. To say it differently, Abraham is concerned that the righteous not be collateral damage to Gods rightful destruction of the wicked. 1. No obstante, los hombres de la ciudad han visto a los dos hombres, y se proponen conocerlos (v. 5) queriendo decir que pretenden tener sexo con ellos, consientan o no. La Traduccin de Jos Smith de la Biblia en ingls explica que ellos eran tres hombres santos que posean el sacerdocio y que eran representantes oficiales del Seor. Car l o deux o trois sont assembls en mon Nom, je suis au milieu d'eux. Lectura del libro del Gnesis Gen 18, 20-32 En aquellos das, el Seor dijo a Abraham: "El clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra es grande y su pecado es demasiado grave. Reflexiones cristianas para la vida diaria. Lectura del libro del Gnesis 18, 20-32. Nos lectures bibliques, tires de I' vangile de Luc, de la Gense et de l'ptre de Paul, nous invitent rflchir sur la question et le sens de la prire. Y alz sus ojos y mir, y he aqu tres varones que estaban junto a l; y cuando los vio . Los hombres de la ciudad tratan de hacer violencia con Lot, pero los invitados de Lot les ciegan (v. 11). 21 junio, 2017. God has heard the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah presumably from those who have suffered at the hands of the residents of those cities perhaps also from those who have not been victimized but were offended by the immorality that they witnessed there. En seguida de la promesa hecha a Abraham y Sara del nacimiento de un hijo, narra el autor la continuacin del viaje de los tres peregrinos que haban llegado a donde estaba Abraham, en el encinar de Mambr. 12-14). En esta genealoga hay una profeca escondida que demuestra que el Espritu Santo es el autor de la Biblia porque el mensaje en Gnesis 5 va ms all de la capacidad humana, sobre todo porque fue escrito al menos 1,400 aos antes de que la profeca se cumpliera. Ms especficamente, recuerda quien es en relacin con el Seor. b. He crafted a tightly reasoned argument in behalf of Sodom and Gomorrah, and challenged God with unassailable arguments. Escoge un nmero en este caso cincuenta y le pregunta a Dios si no perdonar las ciudades por el bien de cincuenta justos. Nous aussi, cest ainsi que nous prions ou devrions le faire, sans oublier que Dieu, comme l'crit l'aptre Paul dans son ptre, dsire que tous les hommes soient sauvs. In fact, Genesis 19 is not included in the Revised Common Lectionary, nor is Ezekiel 16, where verse 49 details Sodoms sin as arrogance, an abundance of food and ease without care of the poor and needy. I will not destroy it for the twentys sake (v. 31b). Jehov ha odo el clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra supuestamente de los que han sufrido bajo los residentes de las dos ciudades quiz tambin de aqullos que, aunque no hayan sido vctimas, se sienten ofendidos por su inmoralidad. More to the point, he remembers who he is in relationship to the Lord. He could have suggested that God spare the righteous while punishing the guilty which is in fact what we will see God do in chapter 19 but Abraham instead chooses a much more radical defense strategy asking God to spare the entire population, both innocent and guilty, because of presence of righteous people living in the cities (Roop, 130). Si hallare en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, perdonar todo este lugar por amor de ellos. Cmo puede Abraham contestar esto? With a wonderful mixed metaphor, our passage captures the dynamics of Christian discipleship. Traduccin por ngeles Aller. 20 And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an a archer. Gn 18, 20-32 (1 Lectura Domingo XVII de Tiempo Ordinario) El libro del Gnesis presenta dos partes diferenciadas. No la destruir, respondi, por amor de los veinte. Destruirs tambin al justo con el impo? (v. 23). As the narrative makes this shift, keep in mind the Lord's question to Abraham (and indirectly to Sarah and to all of us who might giggle at the ridiculous promises of the Lord), "Is . El libro del Gnesis se divide en dos grandes partes. 1 El SEOR se le apareci a Abraham al lado de los robles de Mamr mientras estaba sentado en la entrada de su carpa a la hora ms calurosa del da. Podra haber sugerido que Dios perdonara a los justos mientras castigara a los culpables lo que veremos a Dios hacer en captulo 19 pero, en cambio, Abraham escoge una estrategia ms radical pedirle a Dios que perdone a toda la poblacin, culpable e inocente, basado en la presencia de algunos justos que residen en esas ciudades (Roop, 130). "ser nacin fuerte" (18a) Vivir en comunin con Dios te da PROPSITO. Shouldnt the Judge of all the earth do right? (v. 25c). 29a). The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS are from the World English Bible (WEB), a public domain (no copyright) modern English translation of the Holy Bible. Por tanto, dejar el hombre a su padre y a su madre, y se unir a su mujer, y sern una sola carne". No la destruir, respondi, por amor de los veinte (v. 31). GNESIS 18, 20-32 Dijo el Seor: - La acusacin contra Sodoma y Gomorra es fuerte, y su pecado es grave. Aqu, Abraham acta como abogado defensor. Las palabras hebreas traducidas como clamor, zaaqa (v. 20), y seaqa (v. 21; 19:13), pueden describir el lamento de las vctimas que sufren injusticias (Salmo 9:12; Job 34:28; Isaas 5:7) Los profetas establecieron un parecido entre las injusticias sociales cometidas en Israel/Judea con las que ocurrieron en las ciudades infames de Sodoma y Gomorra (Isaas 1:9, 10; Ezequiel 16:49; cp. Leccin 1: Introduccin al Antiguo Testamento Leccin 2: El Plan de Salvacin Leccin 3: La funcin del alumno Leccin 4: El estudio de las Escrituras Leccin 5: La Biblia Leccin de estudio individual supervisado: Introduccin al Antiguo Testamento: El estudio de las Escrituras (Unidad 1) Introduccin al Libro de Moiss Leccin 6: Moiss 1:1-23 Entonces, decide suavizar su retrica. Y respondi: No lo har si hallare all treinta. Se ha extendido un gran clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra, y su pecado es gravsimo; 21 bajar y ver si han obrado en todo segn ese clamor que contra ella ha llegado hasta m, y si no es as lo sabr. Si Abraham prie comme il le fait, c'est grce son intimit avec Dieu. If so, that would call into question Gods omniscience. Si fueres la mano izquierda, yo ir la derecha: y si t la derecha, yo ir la izquierda (13:9). 1b (Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2005), Roop, Eugene F., Believers Church Bible Commentaries: Genesis (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1987), Towner, W. Sibley, Westminster Bible Companion: Genesis (Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001), Tucker, Gene M., in Craddock, Fred B.; Hayes, John H.; Holladay, Carl R.; Tucker, Gene M., Preaching Through the Christian Year, C (Valley Forge: Trinity Press International, 1994), Von Rad, Gerhard, The Old Testament Library: Genesis, (Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1972), Wenham, Gordon J., Word Biblical Commentary: Genesis 16-50 (Dallas: Word Books, 1994), We welcome your feedback! , he remembers who he is in relationship to the point, he remembers who he speaking! A archer as a catalyst for Gods mercy toward the whole, righteous and wicked together y en! Rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah sulfur and fire from Yahweh out of text... Had finished communing with Abraham, and dwelt in the wilderness, and challenged God unassailable! Lad ; and he grew, and Abraham returned to his place Gnesis se divide en grandes!: y si t la derecha: y si t la derecha, ir... 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